Tire Replacement & Repair Services

If the sidewall of the tire has been damaged, the tire will need to be replaced. If the only damage is in the tread, though, you aren’t necessarily in the clear. If the steel belt inside the tire is cut, the tire is no longer usable.

Multiple punctures that are close together or directly across from one another can’t usually be repaired, since the repairs will overlap and create an area of weakness.

Punctures larger than a quarter-inch in diameter also can’t be effectively and safely repaired. If the tire has a cut or gash, it can only be repaired if it’s less than a quarter-inch in length. If the tire is worn and has less than 2/32-inch remaining tread depth, it is unsafe to repair and must be replaced.

When Replacement Is Needed

Punctures to the sidewall or shoulder of the tire are irreparable because these parts of the tire flex the most when in contact with the road. This elasticity will eventually cause the repair to fail, which can cause a dangerous blowout. The only safe action in this case is replacement.

In some cases, tires are damaged by being driven on when they are flat or low, or in a collision. Damage caused in these scenarios cannot be repaired. In addition, if you’re not sure how the damage occurred, it’s safer to have the tire replaced rather than risk an accident.

Wheel Balancing & Alignment Services

Many of you are unaware of the importance of proper wheel balancing and wheel alignment for the smooth functioning of your vehicles. Going through this blog will help you with information that will teach you about this particular subject matter.

Balancing of wheels is important as wheels lose the balance after a particular period of time. There are various factors which lead to unevenness in tires. These include road conditions, the weight distribution of your vehicle, driving habits, etc. Uneven tread wear in the tires can cause unwanted vibration when your car is being driven. Balancing of wheels should be done by trained professionals as it ensures your safety. During the process of balancing the wheels, the technician applies a calibrated spin balancer and tests both the dynamic and static aspects of the wheel balance. This should be done within a span of 6 to 12 months.

wheel balancing and alignment

Wheel alignment is defined as the adjustment of a vehicle’s wheel from various angles. The alignments are done on the basis of the specifications recommended by the manufacturer. It includes checking the tire tread and measuring caster and camber, wheel orientation, etc. If the alignment of your vehicle is not perfect it will pull to one particular side of the road. 

Both wheel alignment and balancing are very important for the safe and efficient operation of the car in the long run. It also helps to increase the life span of your car tires. Now you might be thinking where you can go for vehicle maintenance. Due to the increase in demand, the number of shops providing auto maintenance has gone through the roof, though not all service providers deliver according to the promises made.